older dog chronic cough


Artful Wings
15 Years
Mar 1, 2009
Muskogee OK
we 'inherited' my inlaws dog, he was a throw away dog years ago, he is now blind, and has a bronchitis like cough- after loosing his buddy, he started sleeping on our porch and is now a house dog- any ideas of what would cause this kind of cough? it seems worse at nite- the most care he has gotten over the years is flea drops, he's never been to a vet- their mind set is feed them and let them run the acreage- sigh
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If he is old a common cause of chronic cough is congestive heart failure. Could be lots of things though- heartworm, pneumonia. Can you take him to see a vet?
not till payday, is there anything i might give him to calm the cough- inlaws gave benadryl, which i have heard vets suggest in the case of kennel cough....
My dog Charlie Girl developed a cough in her later years. The vet said it was from heartworms, which she had for a long time before I got her.
If it is an older animal and the cough just started, odds are it is a heart problem. Proably some fluid in there. having worked in a clinic we see it all the time as dogs age. Many are put on meds (similar to what is used in people). Personally, I would not treat the cough. Rest is the best for a heart cough. Keeping the pet calm, no barking, playing, etc. Yes, we do give cough meds (people things) for kennel cough or URIs. But I would not do this until you see the vet to be sure of what is going on.

Best of luck ...
thanks everyone, when he first 'moved in' the cough was pretty bad, he sleeps alot anyway and can't see due to cataracts, but yesterday the cough started up again to almost constant, i finally gave him some benadryl, he is sleeping next to me now. will hopefully have it to take him to the vet on the first... hate doing things that way.... the other dog that was his buddy was an elderly beagle, she began coughing, eventually started bleeding from the nose and mouth and had to be put down...hope he doesn't have the same thing....
could be alot of things...heartworms...heart problems...kennel cough.... or even if he ever tugged too hard on his collar, his trachea...
no telling as far as injuries might go, back in 2000 he showed up on the property, nothing unusual since people are always dumping dogs- but took us 6 months to coax him to eat with us standing about 200 feet away- we would put food down, and peek out the window, he would tiptoe up and pick up the bowl and carry it off in the bushes..... eventually my inlaws convinced him they wouldn't hurt him, we were traveling in the RV, so only saw him on trips through- anyway- my father in law thought he was a few years old when he came there, and has never been to a vet- he is petrified of cars- so there is no telling what the history is-

He looks like a sweet old guy. Like the others said, it could be several things heartworm, congestive heart. It could even be worms. If he is able to sleep with the benadryl, I would continue to give it to him until he gets to the vet. But, I'm not a vet...so take that with a grain of salt. I would worry that he has the same thing that his buddy had.
So good of you to take him in and keep him comfortable.

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