OMG, so anxious for eggs I'm gonna crawl out of my skin!


7 Years
Mar 28, 2012
Our chickens are about 16 weeks old now, and I'm getting so ANTSY! There's no point to this thread but to vent, lol.

I'm ready for some dang eggs!!!!!!!! I've spent about $2k, between the shed coop, electric netting, charger, supplies, etc. - these eggs are going to be worth their weight in gold! It's sheer lunacy, but I just love these chickens and they're worth every penny!

I have 19 in total (18 hens and 1 roo) - 3 barred rocks (light brown eggs), 2 blue/red and 2 silver laced wyandottes (brown eggs), 2 light brahmas (brown eggs), 2 ameraucanas (blue eggs), 1 EE (who knows what color eggs, lol, hoping for green or olive), 3 salmon favs including the roo (pinkish eggs), 2 white leghorns (white eggs), and 2 welsummers (dark brown eggs). I want a colorful selection of eggs, if you can't tell, lol.

The BR's faces have been starting to redden up and their wattles have come in, so I'm hoping we're just a few weeks away from egg time! I'm planning to put the nest boxes into the coop this weekend and my fake eggs should arrive today, just in case they wanna start early

GAH! I'm so ready! Can it really be 4+ weeks longer?
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Most breeds start laying aged 18-24 weeks. I hope yours fall in the 18 week category!

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