So about 12 hours ago I put my Coturnix Quail eggs in the Hatcher, expecting them to hatch between Monday and Wednesday, and I was hoping for sure by Thursday because I am leaving on Vacation. Well here I am at 3 am, not able to sleep, playing Skii ball on Facebook, But I keep hearing this strange noise, finaly I force myself to get up and walk over to the Incubator, and there is a tiny Baby in there! It's 2 days Early! and I think I see another pip, I don't even have food for them yet, I was planning on picking some up on monday, and the brooder is still a mess from the Chicks I sold the other day, I guess I have my work cut out for me tomorrow, LOL. I'm so excited, These are my first Coturnix, and I am planning to keep them, and eventually breed them. I wasn't expecting much, as they were too dark to candel, so I'm soooo Excited to Be a Coturnix mommy! I even woke Hubby up to tell him he's a daddy, LOL, he was a little confused and surprised....