Omlet Coop

Quimby House

May 12, 2022
Question to those who have an Omelet coop and run. I would like to put water inside the COOP part for at night. The ladies put themselves in at sunset like clock work. When I open the coop between 645 am and 730am they are thirsty. I do not want to leave them in the run or leave the door open. pictures if you have done this would be great
The inside of the eglu go is pretty small even for one hen ( IMO, I’m using mine for a broody hen and her chicks ). The waterer would have to be fairly small and done in a way where they wouldn’t be able to knock it over. Maybe you could teach them how to use a nipple waterer and mount it to one of the inside walls ( like a rabbit waterer)? Just brainstorming here.
Question to those who have an Omelet coop and run. I would like to put water inside the COOP part for at night. The ladies put themselves in at sunset like clock work. When I open the coop between 645 am and 730am they are thirsty. I do not want to leave them in the run or leave the door open. pictures if you have done this would be great
I don't know what an omelet coop is, but chickens do not eat or drink once they go in for the night. Mine go straight for food or water when I let them out in the morning. I have been told it is not good to have food or water in coop. It attracts mice and other things.
How many chickens do you have? I have 4 in an Eglu Cube. They move around especially when settling in and would definitely knock over any waterer. Unless you can mount one along the wall somehow.
So I have 7 - 2 black star. 2 austrolop. 2 red star and a surprise Hemberg Roo

I am a first timer.

It said for 10 chickens.

They are quite happy

They free range from 10 am - sunset.

I open the coop at 7am

But I dont open the run until my dog has had a few hours. In the run the food and water is fine

I just want water available in the coop
Be very careful with water in the coop ... especially in a smaller sized coop. It can increase the humidity levels. That's especially dangerous in the winter if you're where it gets cold.

Notice even Omlet's website mentions nothing of putting water in the coop:
As with the food it can be a good idea to have two sources of water; one in their coop run area, and one outside (if they are free ranging).
I have a Cube and would definitely not want the mess of spilled water in there (and it will spill). Especially if they get used to it in the summer, and then expect it all winter long - then you'll have too much humidity in there. Big no for me. I have one hen who busts out every morning and drinks like crazy too. Just how she is. But she's not getting water served to her in the coop. :)
I have never put water in the coop at night. We had terrible rat problems a couple years ago and part of it was that I would leave water in the run. The little buggers would drink it! My chickens go to bed around 9 and sometimes they dont get water until 9 the next morning and they are just fine. They would like brekky earlier I'm sure but I dont always get out there as early as I'd like. I wouldnt worry about it

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