? on Black sex links, before ya bar me.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 13, 2009
S. W. MO
No pics. so bar me now or bare with me.

Have 2 Black chicks that are about 8 wks. old and feathering nicely. I thought they were EE's at first, but now I think they be BSL's. Pic. in your mind; solid black with some gold lace coming in on their breast, legs I though where greenish are a blackish/slate and the underside of their feet are yellow on the middle toe and black moving to the outside. Comb is small right now and and looks to be a single. Both appear to be pullets
, because I have to many little roo's of different breeds. Have a litte roo Welsummer that thinks he know how to crow.
Going to get him some cough drops, sounds like he has a sore throat.

Ban me now guys and gals, don't have a camera.
Sorry; I'm a bad chicken daddy.
. Didn't notice this till they started feathering, so it got me to wondering. Only have 24 chicks, and these where the only 2 that I couldn't put a finger on. I'm not worth a hoot telling what fuzzy butts are.
Only ones got right so far are my 8 BR's and 6 Welsumers [ the Welts , 4 are roo's. 2 pullets
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They were hatched by a friend of our's. He just hatches the chicks and sells them. I'm assumeing [ and we know what that mean ] that he got the eggs from the Amish in the area that we have many. Very good people, but the stock very. There were only 2 black chick in the hatch and my friend and I took the 2 in a mix run. Noticed the darker legs on these 2 and assumied again. Never really cared, just wanted some layers. The wing feathers were right for hens so we took the chance that they were. The Welsummers; we didn't get close.
All 24 are fat and sassie and are about the same age, but size very. They all love to see me come to the kennel [ yes, dog run where we keep them ] with their treats. Even have a LH that was the only one white one there also. Can't keep her off of me for treats. Would like to get some more of them.
I agree with Mahroni then. They are probably black sexlinks (black stars)., which means a good choice of chicks for you - definitely females and good layers also.

Some of our black sex-links are almost all black - others have brown feathering in the chest and neck area (to varying degrees) and we even have one that has brown all over it. The black star chicks in the photos below are about 10 weeks old. Maybe you can compare face and body type with your chicks.

Personally, I think they are kind of ugly as babies - my daughters and I think they look like little dinosaurs, especially when they are all running together in the same direction. I'm sure they will be pretty when they grown up and fill in - their black feathers have a green sheen to them in the sunlight.

Thanks ADC, the first pic. and the closeset is the one. Though, mine have darker lages. Yes; they are kinda ugly, but I'm sure they'll grow out of that. Thanks guys for all the help.


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