On the perches together


8 Years
Oct 7, 2011
Yay. I went to check on the little chickies to make sure everyone was settled in. They have been sleeping in the dog crate inside the coop, and the last couple of days have gone in the crate on their own for me to lock up a little later. Not tonight! They were sleeping on the perch with the big chicks. They looked so cute snuggled together in a line. The other new chicks (a little older than the babies) were up there too! 14 chicks sleeping on the perches together (2 are still inside under heat) I love it.
I thought, I've got to get a picture lol..but its way dark. I didn't have my phone with me anyway. I took a picture inside the coop the other night to show my dad my setup and you couldn't even hardly make out the shapes of the chickens. I'll figure out something.
When they were still small and in the house, I used to listen out for them when I got up at night.
Thanks for your interest and responses! Here is a picture taken the next day, not very good quality, coop looks kind of junky (hopefully the next coop pic will be in the newly converted shed coop I am working on
You can see most of the chicks. Some are in here, but they are all getting along together fairly well. The little ones have now been free ranging with the big chicks when
I am able to stay right with them, a few pecks and some chasing but they are doing just fine


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