On the Welsh Harlequin bandwagon!


10 Years
Mar 21, 2009
Well, I just got an email from Holderread's that they mailed me some Welsh Harlequins today! I am so excited! I didn't know if they were going to send me anything or what it would be since they had their last official hatch of the year a couple weeks ago.

They had added this small hatch and said they would send me what they could even though they couldn't fill any of my bantam order. So, I guess it was meant to be that I raise Welsh Harlequins! I can hardly wait till they get here!
Me too!!! I'm soooo excited!

I've never had ducks before, and ordered them way before I knew about Holderread's great reputation (and the waitlist as a result). We have Khaki Campbells coming too.

I had Magpies on the list, but looks that I got my order in too late for those. I'll probably go ahead and place a deposit down for next year, for them.

I hope they come tomorrow! Good luck with yours! Be sure to post pics!!!
I will definitely post pics.
Good luck with yours too, wannabfarmgirl! Hopefully, you will get some of the Magpies in your order. They seem to have sold out of a lot of breeds this year. I have some adults coming for Fall, but may go ahead and order ducklings for next year now too.
Thanks guys! I can't wait for them to arrive. Now that I think about it, I think this is the first new breed (duck wise) that I have added in like probably 4-5 years!

I am a little disappointed that they couldn't fill *any* of my bantam order since I need new breeding stock badly. Oh well- I have some new adults coming in the Fall and the excitement about the WH's more than makes up for not getting the bantams.

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