One chick won't walk, two have crust on vents?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 16, 2014
Boulder City, NV
One of my chicks (born today from eggs simply sat on by hens, no shipping involved) seems to have an enlarged bottom and won't stand up. There's something blocking its vent but im not sure if it's the umbilical cord or pasty butt, so I'm afraid to completely wash it off.


Another chick has the black crust on its vent but it can walk, but again still afraid to irritate anything on them. These are our first chicks so please help!
I would wash it under warm running water about 90 Degrees. I wash mine up and if their a day old just place them in incubator an hour and let them dry. As for poop on vent it happens and I just run them under warm water or sometimes pull it with a paper towel after wetting it. Be careful not to pull out the skin or feathers. Softening it up first is best. Good Luck!

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