One chick


In the Brooder
Jul 9, 2022
We let our broody hen do her thing and let her keep 6 eggs. Only one hatched (on July 3). My understanding is we can’t introduce one chicken into the flock. Thought about buying other chicks, but hate to take baby from mama to raise with other chicks. How many would we need any way? What should we do?
Welcome. You don't have to introduce one chick, let mom do it. Be sure and integrate them into the flock while mom is still protective.
I usually let my mom and chicks out at day 2, but I don't know your flock dynamics. You will need to monitor the flock and head off any aggression. My hens are pretty protective and I've never had one not protect her chicks. You won't know til you try. Good luck!
Welcome. You don't have to introduce one chick, let mom do it. Be sure and integrate them into the flock while mom is still protective.
I usually let my mom and chicks out at day 2, but I don't know your flock dynamics. You will need to monitor the flock and head off any aggression. My hens are pretty protective and I've never had one not protect her chicks. You won't know til you try. Good luck!
Thanks, we have a rooster, will he hurt our chick?
Thanks, we have a rooster, will he hurt our chick?
Generally the roosters just ignore chicks. I've had one that actually called them and tidbitted for them. He was a sweet. I have one that isn't fond of them, but he just gives a swift peck if they get between himself, his hens, and the feed bowl.

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