One eye closed at 5 days old.


11 Years
Mar 2, 2013
Davie, Fl
I picked up 20 chicks at a feed store that was offering them free with purchase. Picked them up Saturday morning and I guess they were 3-4 days old. They were shipped in. So now they are best guess maybe 5 days old. Anyway Sunday night I noticed one had an eye closed. I picked her up and noticed both were now closed. I put her back in the box and she can open the one eye but not the other. She seems healthy, and there are no signs of infection or swelling. I think it's that the lid never opened. But can't be sure. What do I do with that?
Not really, I just went in and tried to give it some probiotic/electrolites.. She didn't want it. I do see her under the light trying to sleep. I will start keeping a closer eye. She might be slipping.
Not really, I just went in and tried to give it some probiotic/electrolites.. She didn't want it.  I do see her under the light trying to sleep.  I will start keeping a closer eye.  She might be slipping. 

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