One hen not like the other 3...


11 Years
Mar 9, 2008
Rhode Island
I have 4 hens, 1 Autralorp, 1 BR, 1 Orpington, and 1 Wyandotte.

The orpington doesnt act like the others in the sense that when I am outside, the otehr 3 will go off and dustbathe in a corner of the yard, and Orpie runs to me and wont leave my side. When I put her back with her flock, she runs back to me. When I leave the coop affter locking them in, 3 of them run inside the coop to eat the freshly placed food, and Oprington waits at the gate and watches me leave while fluttering to try to get throuhg the gate and be with me. What is up with her adorable yet abnormal behavior? Ive never had a hen act like this.

(they all just started laying if it helps.)


Theres the Orpington, with her chickens friends, for once
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