one month old bantam cochin chick not eating


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 30, 2014
My one month old bantam cochin is not eating and loosing weight. His droppings are alright and not showing anyother symptoms.
He has been standing in one corner with ruffled feathers.
Pls advice what should i do..Vet would be difficult to go to.

its easy for chicks to come down with all sorts of issues, if you try giving him immunity suppliments. that is all you can really do for a chick so young. keep an eye on his droppings, and check his vent (this is usually where you might find there is something wrong) and you may want to separate him from the other chicks is he worsens and in case he has a contagious infection. Is he warm enough? are the other chicks picking on him?
hope this helps, good luck.

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