One of my coturnix has a mildly broken beak...will it mend itself?


Jun 1, 2009
She's broken the tip of her beak? The only thing attaching it to the rest of the beak is the end of the quick. It's not affecting her eating or I should just leave it, right? It will grow off, won't it?

You can put a drop of super glue in it to hold it on if it looks like it will get snagged and cause further injury. (Just be careful not to glue the beak together!
Doesn't it matter now much is broke off? I thought (inexperienced here with this sort of thing), that small chips off the end will grow back since the beak grows like long as the quick is still fully attached.
Now that I'm thinking about it, this must be the same hen who injured the nose of her beak about a month ago. It was bleeding a bit and her beak was slightly mishapen. This must be the grown out broken bit from back then!

I think I'm going to leave it...if it will grow off the quick then she won't bleed. I would have to pick up some styptic powder to trim it, I think. All that's holding it to her beak is the quick.
A couple days after I got my first males, i went to the pen and found blood everywhere and freaked! Then i found the little guy who it was coming from. It seemed like half of his upper beak was gone and I could see some of his tongue when his beak was closed. Still not sure what happened, but I thought that I would lose him and it grew back just fine.

I think that this is him in the pic.

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