One of my four week old chicks

You assume it is a she? "She" the flitiest of the bunch. The two darker ones come right over and try to get in my hand when I put it into the brooder. I think those are she's.
Getting a bit older and almost completely feathered out. Tell me what you think.

This one I think is a pullet, and has the classic "tri color" look

This one has no claw on the "outboard" toe on both feet?! Almost all grey and white with a litte red on the neck. Pullet also I think

This one is very dark on the back and head. Black and brown barred. Roo I think. Has the "reddest" comb and kinda acts rooish. Very friendly and like to be held.

Smallest one of the bunch. Also has the most spunk.

This one has the most obvious barring on the wings.
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