One of my girls didn't come in!


17 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Benton Twp., Michigan
At nightfall, my DH counted only 6 girls in the coop. We looked for about an hour (with lanterns), but couldn't find her. We checked the trees and the old barn, but no sign.

I'm going out at dawn to see if she's come back to the coop; is there a chance she'll make it? We do have coyotes and owls.

I feel sick.
Definately do not give up hope yet, in fact last night we just lost a 4 week old chick and it was COLD, I had given up all hope when my mom calls me this morning to say that the chick is running around in the horse pasture!!!!!!
I was soooo amazed that she managed to survive the cold, the owl (that just took up residence at our house
), the monstrous raccoons, and the horses, so definately do not give up!
I think she'll be okay. She may just be hiding a nest from you.. She should find a place out of the way for the night and be back in the morning.

If I'm not at the coop before dark, mine will each find an alternative roost. One will be in the rafters of the barn, one will be sitting on the handle of the lawnmower, and another will be sitting on an old rabbit hutch.

Well if she happens to wander down the road a bit and find her way here.....I'll shoo her back at ya.

Hope she don't wander the other way to Joes gizzard city....
and you find her this morning.
Hope she don't wander the other way to Joes gizzard city.... and you find her this morning.

me too, sure hope she is fine and that ou find her healthy this morning
Bianca is found!! I got up before dawn, waited for the sun to come up (
) and went out with a bucket of food. At the first "chick-chick-chick," she came trundling out from under a clump of bushes that we checked last night! She's a good hider!

Thank you all for understanding and for your encouragement . . . it definitely helped me sleep last night.

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