One of my hens are losing her feathers., she's half bald!!

Ramblin Rose

11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
We bought 4 hens and put them in with our others and the rooster. One was partially bald. Thought she would eventually grow back her feathers but she hasn't. Does anyone have a solution. She's full grown and lays great eggs!
She is probably either molting or losing her feathers from being over bred. If you could post pictures, we maybe able to tell you for sure. I do know that protein is important for them to grow back their feathers. Maybe give her some scrambled eggs.
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Is she getting picked on by the other chickens? Or maybe you should check and make sure they don't have mites or lice. I think that can cause feather loss. Otherwise, I don't really know.

Good luck!

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