One week old baby chickens are dying


9 Years
Jul 27, 2014
I have seven baby chicks that I purchased from my pet chicken. One Leon chick died last night. They shipped them to me on Monday and I receive them Wednesday. One baby chick her feet felt very cold yesterday and she was lethargic and shaky. There’s another one with the same problem are there any suggestions? I have heard of light on them since I receive them and they move back-and-forth to the light for warmth
Some have troubles handling the stress of shipping. I would contact MPC.

You should always provide a form of rapid glucose for chicks as they arrive. You can use one of the many products available to add to the waterer or you can add some brown sugar for the first day to give everyone a boost. I use a spoon full to a quart of warm water. Always dip beaks at least once to get them drinking.

Your brooder should be set up with the correct temperatures. Generally around 85-90 degrees the first week. If it's too cold or too hot you will have problems as chicks can not regulate their own body temperature efficiently the first few weeks.

They also should be kept on paper towel for the first few days to a week to keep them from ingesting the bedding.

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