One will NOT eat or drink :/


7 Years
Dec 19, 2012
I just got my second batch of chicks this morning and was much more vigilant about making sure that EACH one could eat and drink of its own accord.
Once again, the little golden polish wants to cuddle up but will not eat or drink. I don't know what to do. I am hand-watering him drop by drop every twenty minutes or so hoping he will catch on but he won't. My polish out of my last batch was one of the first to go as well.
I tried sugar water, quick chik water, ACV, a drop of molasses.... nothing.

Any tips? I don't want to lose my ONE different breed :/
Did you try the beak dip thing so it would know where the water is? Maybe because you are giving it water so frequently it isn't feeling thirsty enough to seek it out on its own? Try spreading out your watering times a little to see if that helps it find the water by itself.

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