Online chicken show

chick lovers

6 Years
Mar 7, 2013
With my chickens.
Here you can show off all of your gorgeous chickens.
rules: no cussing
be nice
have fun
Posts should look similar to this:

Breed: Mix
Personality:Kinda skittish but lovable.

HAVE FUN!!!!!!
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Name: Licorice
Gender: Male
Breed: Mix
Personality: Friendly and very full of himself.

Name: Trooper & Noodle. Trooper is the barred one Noodle is the gray one.
Breed: Both mixes (they are sisters)
Personality: Both very sweet. Noodle is not quite as friendly, but neither of them are mean.

Name: Snapple
Breed: Mix
Personality: VERY sweet, she does tricks and everything. She knows her name. She is a very smart hen!

Name: Eddy
Breed: Americauna
Personality: Very sweet and proud.

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Name: Buddy
Breed: Gold laced Wyandotte
Personality: loves to jump up in your lap and just hang out, has a bad habit of pecking but loves to talk to people who talk to him lol
Name: Agatha
Breed: Welsummer
Personality: Agatha is a total camera hog. She's a very people friendly bird, and loves treats.

Name: Betty (White pullet)
Breed: Hatchery Delaware
Personality: Betty is always excited to see you. She follows people's feet, hoping for a treat and occasionally gets stepped on.

Name: Rose
Breed: Gold laced Wyandotte
Personality: shy and laid back

Name: Cogburn
Breed: gold laced wyandotte (bad genetics with his single comb)
Personality: likes to chase people n very protective of his hens

Name: Tansy
Breed: double barred lemon cuckoo orpington (13 weeks)
Personality: timid but sweet

Name: Emma
Breed: columbian rock
Personality : very sweet calm and quiet, loves to sit in your lap and if you pet her she instantly lays down :)

Name: Fuzzle
Breed: Sizzle
Personality: sweet and quiet- doesn't mind to be held and no other chicken bothers her aka dominator :lol:

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