Only one of my leghorn hens has several scabby/moldy areas on her comb


8 Years
Sep 18, 2011
Huntsville, Tx
Hi, I'm new at this. I live in Texas, it's very hot. One of my white leghorn hens has several scabby/moldy areas on her comb. She acts great, eats great, but I don't want the whole flock of 7 to get this too. Thanks yall. I look forward to media fellowship with all of ya. NinnyGillaspie
Sounds like "Favus", a fungal infection. An over the counter anti-fungal cream, such as for athelete's foot or vaginal yeast infection (Clotrimazol) can be used. The fungus can spread to you, so use gloves.
Apply the cream a few times a day and it should clear up pretty fast.

God Bless,

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