Oohhh look what Pricilla did

Oz chic

Aug 21, 2019
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:celebrateHer first egg:ya

Is only small, but an egg none the less. And in the nest box too.

She is only 18 weeks old yesterday. A week ago exactly she squatted when I walked behind her, so knew she wasn’t far off laying.

I had only set up the nest boxes on the weekend, and she spent most of yesterday contemplating life in the nest box.

Then today, she was back in there, her girlfriends all stayed in the coop with her, moral support I think.

She was no fuss, no noise, just laid it, left and went and had a feed.

She knew exactly where to go too, such a good girl.

Edited to add in picture on scales
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Congrats on the first egg! 18 is pretty early from what I’ve read so maybe it means she will be an exceptional layer! Or then again I could be wrong and it’s normal lol. Either way New eggs are always exciting!
Thanks :)

That was what I thought, always thought the norm was 20-22, she started squatting last week and I thought she was doing that early. Her comb isn’t as big and bright as I expected it to be either.

But I guess she wants to be an over achiever.
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Congrats! What a good girl! Looks like a decent size egg to me but of course my new layer is a Frizzle Bantam Cochin whose egg is so tiny it makes our Ameraucana Bantams eggs look big . They are cute eggs but it would take 5 of them to equal a standard size large egg.

I am looking forward to our Jersey Giants and Cream Legbars starting to lay but sadly that won’t be for a while yet.

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