Ooomff, I was really naughty last night


Chicken Slave
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brick, NJ
I was being really good too. This happens once in a great while with me.

I feel awful right now. Last night I..............
I.......ate a large couple of handfuls of jelly beans. Did I stop there? NO then I had a bowl of Edy's choc chip mint ice cream. Then I went back and finished off the carton. That carton was 2/3 full.

I'm feeling sluggish and hate that I did that. I want to be strong again, how do you all do it?
That always happens to me. I will be good for a long time and then think something small will be okay. Next thing I know every sweet thing in the house is gone and I feel awful.
send some over here, I LOVE jelly beans........................................................................................ gimme gimme gimme
I do the same thing, its like, if I do well for a while and lose a couple pounds I think I can "afford" a treat...then it turns into the whole bag of Kisses or half the brownie pan... then I feel like crap... you're not alone! On the up side, I walked almost 3 miles yesterday and ate only one s'more....
EC - do you get jelly beans over there? If not I'll ship them to you! My teeth ache thinking about them.
I need to start not doing stuff like that but last night I had a large chunk of ceese, and a parfet thing with whipp cream , cake pieces , carmel , choclate syrup and nuts. Not to mention 2 pieace of pizza a bowl of ice cream two pops and a salad for lunch
Today I only had a small bag of M&M's ... and there are officially NO MORE Schwan's Fudgecicles at home so I might just make it...of course when I dont eat snacks I drink wine so either way I am going to lose... lol
I ate a full carton of Phish Food last night.

I LOVE Phish Food and New York Super Fudge Chunk! I can't even buy it or I usually eat the whole carton in one sitting also.... I have NO will power when it comes to chocolate.

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