oooohhhhh Pretty


Rest in Peace 1963-2021
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
NW Kentucky
They are brown, beige, pink, green and cream...My girls always lay a rainbow for me.

MMM now I want some of those pastel chocolate easter eggs. They are beautiful! Which breed lays the pinker eggs??? I have noticed a lot of people on here have Faverolles and Orphingtons that lay pinkish eggs.
Thanks all. I love my morning gifts from the girls. My Light Brahma is the one laying the pink egg ... they really amaze me.

I love the variety and it beats a bunch of plain white eggs any day.
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well i loved getting a variety of eggs too, ONCE. You can add me back to the 'when will my chickens lay' group.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. But the good news is, i got AN egg today....
WOW those are gorgeous. One time I brought a brown egg to lunch and everyone thought it was dyed (OMG, it's orange!!). Some people
What looks I would get if I brought some o' dem blues in!
Very pretty Cetawin!
I get some of those pink ones from my brahmas too. Almost more round than they are long too.
Very nice looking group of eggs.

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