OOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooohhhhh COUPONS!!!


11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Ringwood area, NJ
I am awaiting the supply of chicks to come into the TSC but right now if you go to the chick page there are coupons for $2 off feed!!! $5 off if you sign up your email.
Whoo hoo!! coupons

I think we've over loaded their server LOL, when I try to sign up I get an error message. Thanks for the info! I'll try to sign up again later
Your welcome
I can not wait to go, our chicks are coming in in April the first week.
Why do I need to go??... I really shouldnt but they are sooo cute!!

"Safe Handling Instructions
It is important to care for and love your chicks, but you must alsoprotect yourself. Salmonella, a common cause of food borneillness, can also be spread by direct contact with animals,like chicks, that carry the bacteria. Here are some tips to keepyou safe:

•Avoid contact with poultry manure. Adults should cleanour cages frequently.
•Carefully and thoroughly wash hands with soap andwater after handling chicks or anything in the chicks' environment.
•Do not nuzzle or kiss chicks, ducklings, turkeys, etc.
•Keep chicks outside, and especially out of areas wherefood is prepared.
•Supervise children when handling, and ensure theywash their hands after contact.
•Children under 5years old, people with weakened immune systems andwomen who are pregnant or may be pregnant shouldnot handle us."

Edited to say : I meant to say these instructions ... he he he I bet are not followed to closely by most of us! no chick kissing!! wouldnt want to do it when they were older!! lol
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