Opinions and suggestions needed for self-sufficient flock management.


8 Years
Aug 15, 2011
Fort Worth, TX
We own a small 10 acre farm near Fort Worth. I raise organic vegetables, melons, and flowers for the farmers market and I also plan to raise organic, free range pork, beef, and poultry. I would greatly appreciate any input you may have on my selection of breeds.I have researched different breeds, selecting only breeds that are dual purpose, good foragers, and that are proficient layers. I plan on having 50 birds. The following is an accurate description of what my flock will be come mid September.

-1 Year-old BB Red American game rooster.
-(4) 6 month old BB Red American Game hens
-1 Year-old Barnevelder rooster
-(4) 6 month old Barnevelder hens
-1 Year-old Rhode Island Red rooster
-(4) 6 month old Rhode Island Red hens
-1 Year-old Barred Rock rooster
-(4) Delaware hens
-1 Year-old Red Leghorn rooster
-(4) 6 month old Red Sex Link hens
-1 Year-old Easter Egger rooster (NOT Ameraucana or Araucana)
-(4) 6 month old Ameraucana hens
-1 Year-old Red Delaware rooster
-(4) 6 month old Jersey Giant hens
-1 Year-old Brown Leghorn rooster
-(4) 6 month old Golden Brahma hens
-1 Year-old Dominique rooster
-(4) 6 month old Dominique hens
-1 Year-old Silver Duckwing Brahma rooster
-(4) 6 month old Cuckoo Maran hens
-1 Year old Copper Maran rooster
-(4) 6 month old Copper Maran hens
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I plan to raise them mostly for eggs but plan to cross a few as well. I plan to cross the following breeds.

- BB Red American Game rooster X Barred Rock hen = Buckeye
- BB Red American Game rooster X Barnevelder hen
- RIR rooster X Barred Rock hen = Black Sex Link
- RIR rooster X Delaware hen = Red Sex Link

The above crosses would be meat birds.

The following would be project birds to find a bird that will be a large, stocky dual purpose bird that will be a heavy layer. R represents roosters and H represents hens.

- (Rhode Island Red rooster X BB Red American Game hen = R1) X
(Brown Leghorn rooster X Barnevelder hen = H1) = RH1
-(RIR rooster X Delaware hen =R2) X (Barnevelder rooster X RIR hen = H2) =RH2
- (Delaware rooster X Ameraucana hen = R3) X (EE rooster X Ameraucana hen =H3) =RH3
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I also plan to cross the following breeds for egg color for the farmers market.

EE rooster X Ameraucana hen = offspring would produce a 'sky blue' egg.

Legbar rooster X Ameraucana hen = offspring would produce an 'emerald' color egg.

Copper Maran rooster X Barnevelder hen = offspring would produce a very dark brown 'terra cotta' egg.

BB Red American Game rooster X Dominique hen = offspring would produce a very white egg.

RIR rooster X Jersey Giant hen = offspring would produce a light brown egg
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I have no helpful advice for you. I will only note that my little homestead is so small that a single goat would produce more milk than I can handle and would demolish all 3 of my acres. I am stopped at 11 chickens because I am swimming in eggs with only two of the flock laying consistently.

And I have no IRL friends within 50 miles....
My flock is kept in separate 'tractors'. We currently have 7 tractors that are 12' X 6' (includes the 4'x6' henhouse on one end. ) A-frame style. We move them to a new paddock twice a week.
Citron_d'uccle :

I also plan to cross the following breeds for egg color for the farmers market.

EE rooster X Ameraucana hen = offspring would produce a 'sky blue' egg.

Not always, EE's being varied background will produce chicks who could lay other colors as well. We have EE chicks from a mix like this, and eggs are olive, pale blue, and green.​
You will have too many crosses to make any solid comparisons. Reduce to about a third then comparisons can be made. I have games and American dominiques. The cross between two as pullets grows well. Another cross that out performs both parents in respect to growth is dominque x California grey. If egg production anything like that of latter, then a very good egg producer with good dual purpose qualities is in making.

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