Opinions on Hubbard Golden Comet Pullets


10 Years
Apr 7, 2009
My family is considering this type of hen. I'd like to know more about it but keep finding the same info.

Are they good tempered?
Do they get really big?
Are they prone to any diseases?
Are they good egg layers?
Has anyone noticed any problems with them?
Does anyone know where to get them in Ohio?

I've tried tractor supply (they didn't have them) and mt healthy farms (they said it was a 6 minimum order). I only one four to start off with. Also any other advice or info would be greatly appriciated.
Are they good tempered? yes
Do they get really big? no
Are they prone to any diseases? not that I know of
Are they good egg layers? yes
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Are they good temperment?
Yes, will follow you around like a dog.

Do they get very big?

I have not had any problems

Good Layer?
Yes, I even have two that lay double yokes

I haven't had any

I purchased mine through Mt. Healthy last year nice birds.

I am raising them for sale as pullets if you are interested. They will be laying around August. I live in SE Ohio.

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