Opinions on the gender of these 9 week olds


6 Years
Apr 4, 2014
NW Arizona
Hi, I am new to raising chickens and have 4 rare breed chicks that hatched in my incubator. Not being at all familiar with how fast or slow they mature, I have attached some pictures to this post. I also have 4 Columbian Wyandotte pullets that are from Mcmurray and 3 are already laying and one is almost there.
I know these are not ideal pictures, these little brats won't hold still. LOL
The boy names were provided by my DH when the chicks were little fuzzballs.
Thanks for any input.

First pics is my Ameraucana, Twinkle, she/he is shy and it was tough to get a pic

Pic of BLRW, Sticky and BCM Bro. The BCM has no copper on any wing feathers, only on the neck.

BLRW and Barnevelder, Pancho



Last one of my BCM
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I agree.They're all pullets. :eek:)

X 3 on all pullets! Ive not seen such clear inquiries in a few days!

OMG, I am SO tickled that the consensus is GIRLS!!! Whoo HOO. I was mostly concerned with the BLRW because the comb and wattles seemed to be developing awfully fast, but like I said in my original post, I have no clue as to the maturity rate on these little beasties. LOL
Thanks for responding.
OMG, I am SO tickled that the consensus is GIRLS!!! Whoo HOO. I was mostly concerned with the BLRW because the comb and wattles seemed to be developing awfully fast, but like I said in my original post, I have no clue as to the maturity rate on these little beasties. LOL
Thanks for responding.
You're welcome. :eek:)
They are all pullets.


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