Opinions welcome what do YOU think?..


Crazy for Silkies
11 Years
Jan 17, 2013
hi all hopefully at least two of these babies will be mine but I can only have females where I live so I'm getting all three DNA sex tested. But that's going to take a few weeks and wanted some opinions before that. To me the silver partridge looks all male. The buff furthest right looks all female and I'm up in the air about the other buff. what do YOU think? All opinions welcome... What's your best guess?? Please guess. Thank you.
Cute little babies, hope at least two turn out to be girls for you. Can you get some individual pictures of them? Pure guess, but doesn't the buff in front have a roo like look from that picture?
That's what I thought too I also thought the silver did as well so I gave the breeder more money to test another bird. Hope I get at least two girls out of the mix. She will test another silver. Kinda had my fingers crossed for two buffs. I'll have to see what happens. The buff furthest right looks really female to me. But the other two don't.
Its too young to tell, but I agree that the front Buff chick looks cockerel-ish. They're all adorable! Hopefully, you get plenty of pullets.

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