Ordering Chicks

Granted, I've only ordered chicks 2x through the mail, but mine have been healthy both times.
Crap can go wrong, but that's a very small percentage of the time. It seems like more when you read posts on here sometimes, because of course people are going to vent/rant/speak out more often when things go wrong. The happy folks don't often report, because they're...well...HAPPY - and off enjoying their chicks.
I like being able to have my chicks sexed, because I don't like having to deal with "What will I do with this rooster?" We picked up two chicks from TSC (actually my DH did), and one is a roo. I guess I'm lucking he didn't pick up 6 and end up with THREE roos...
Of course you could always get started chicks, maybe 8 wks or so??? That way you'd know they were pullets. But what are the odds you're gonna find someone selling started ones of different colors???
The problem with mail is there is always the potential for bad handling. I would check our BST sections first then your local Craigslist. Maybe you might change your mind on having a specific breed if you find chicks locally. If not, ordering is fine and where you live it certainly is not cold enough there to have to worry about shipping.

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