Oregon City OR-need to place some ducks and a goose


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
18 Years
Jan 11, 2007
NE Washington State
I am moving to NE Washington in the spring and need to downsize before the move.

I have several drakes that need a good home.
One is a Blue Swede, I have 2 mallard/whatever crosses and a fawn and white runner. This group would be perfect for someone wanting an all drake flock for companionship and slug patrol.

I also have 2 muscovy drakes. One is an imprint who loves to be talked to and the other is a a friendly old guy who is calm. With these guys are 2 scovy girls. You can take the 2 drakes together or all 4.

Last (for now) I have a bonded duck/goose pair. She is a white Chinese goose and he is a fawn and white runner. They were raised together and are inseparable. They must go together.

I may have more later.

My requirements are that I receive pics of your set up. I may come out and look and help you make a secure place. Predator proof night pens are a must. That these are pets is a given. I will not ship. These ducks need to be fed, watered and cared for properly and not left to forage for themselves.

email ducklacy at gmail-dot-com for more info
Gumby and Mobert, the drakes, are just regular black ones.
Freckles is white and Silver Lady is...silver LOL.

We are moving to Ione WA.
I wish I could take everyone with me, but it is impractical right now.
I just looked through my pics and don't see any recent ones. I will take some in a few and post them.
Cool, thanks!

Oh, I guess I should ask how old are the Muscovies? I don't anything too old...my own oldest birds are getting close to 6 & they are slowing down with the fertility rates.
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How long till you move? We were wanting a couple pair of Muscovy but we were not going to do it till the fall. Sounds like you may have a home for them.....but if not let me know. I can always re arrange my set up now before winter sets in.

Awwwww......I hate to see ya leave O.C.!

Let me know if you're still looking for a pair in the fall. My MIL has 30+ and she's going to start butchering them when the snow hits.
I'm trying to sell them/find them homes ASAP before they go into the freezer. They are all descendants of my original pair--otherwise, I'd take my MIL's birds, but I need to get some new bloodlines.


that's great that you are finding some new homes. i wish i had gotten in touch earlier. i bought a pair of ducks for pets and slug control just a month ago. they are cute but very light foragers. i could maybe take a couple more good slug eaters. i am worried that the small hen would be to out numbered by the drakes though.???
The Fawn and White runner and one of the crosses have been placed.
The rest are still available for that perfect home.

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