Organic NW Ga farm seeks Light Sussex peeps


9 Years
Jun 15, 2010
Hello to everyone. Though backyard chickens seem to be the latest pet rage, peeps have owned me for 35 years-since the kindly owner of the local feed store sent me home with 25 free roosters while I was pregnant! Dear hubby and I are owned by about 50 chickens-mostly Americaunas and Buff Orps, two Border Collies, 30 Red Angus cows, a few lazy walking horses and 5 donkeys that have taught me more than all the animals I have ever known. Our farm is Creek Ranch Organics and we sell produce, eggs and beef at a local farmers market. We work hard but love farm life!!! From a local chicken breeder, I learned a tough lesson about infectious bronchitis but ended up with an awesome roo-Big Roo. I discovered by accident that Big Roo is a Light Sussex. We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him! He is gentle, kind to the hens and protective of the flock. I have had a variety of hens but have never met a rooster I like as much as Big Roo. While I am not farming, I love to garden, quilt, read and play with the dogs. If I can ever be of any help to anyone, I know a little about cows and organic/sustainable farming.

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