Organic...or non-GMO Feed/Seed Supply needed; SW Ohio


Jun 26, 2018
SW Ohio
My Coop
My Coop
There are plenty of feed stores/mills within short driving distance of me, but my fear is that they don't sell non-GMO seeds or organic seed. As soon as I'm done posting here I will be calling them to check and see what they offer in bulk bags. I just thought some of you may have alternative sources that I am not aware of.

Next season I will be growing a major part of my feed needs for winter as well as summer.
If you didn't find any feeds, Kalmbach Feeds are in Sandusky, OH & should be available for you. They have regular, Non GMO & organic feeds. I really liked their organic, but it is not very available here in SE PA.
I personally have no issue with GMO's but depending on the type of feed you're looking at there may no even be a commercially available GMO option.


  • gmo_infographic_final_052918.png
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Understandable. I just put the infographic up because some mills done advertise or list their products as non-gmo unless there is a gmo alternative to begin with. While others will do the opposite. While organic labeling is regulated, gmo is not.

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