Organic starter or grower ration in South Florida?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 24, 2010
Hollywood, FL
Does anyone have a good source? I have a local egg farm selling me organic layer ration....but what about for my little guys? Some of them will be for meat, and others will be layers...they arrive next week...looking for an organic feed supplier before then. I will drive an hour or 2 in any direction, but cannot order online since the shipping just about doubles the feed cost. Thanks!
Have you asked your local feed store to check for you.. They would have better ideas at where and who to ask.. Plus if you can garuntee to buy x amaount they may start to carry it for you..
Check Countryside Naturals. I did see on their website where they have a supplier in FL. But I cant tell you if it is close to you or not. I am in PA pulling my hiar out to find an organic supplier for feed w/o soy. To order by myself and have it shipped isnt even realistic. I think I should start a co-op.

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