Orphaned chicks! Who killed my hen?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 13, 2008
Silver Point TN
I had a very good hen that hatched 7 eggs 4 days ago. When we woke up this morning she was gone but all the chicks were there. I don't have any idea what could have got her. Her nest was on the front porch. There were no feathers or signs of a struggle, no paw prints left. I've looked over the entire yard...and nothing. We live in the woods but what would come up on our porch and leave no sign? Please, any suggestions I would appreciate.

Her nest was on the front porch? So she was just loose on her own with no enclosed, safe place? In that circumstance, really you should not be shocked that she is gone. It doesn't sound like she was protected at all. Chickens are not like predator dogs that can fight off an aggressor. They are prey and need protecting. I also live in the woods and I know that the woods are full of animals that would like nothing more than a tender, tasty chicken dinner. And chickens are most vulnerable when they are sitting alone on their nests. So it is up to us to protect them or they are sitting ducks.

You might want to take a look at the Coop Design section to get an idea of some of the acceptable types of housing for chickens. That way the chicks will stand a chance.

Sorry for your loss.
Good luck
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Probably a fox. One came right up in my back yard and took a hen. Luckily, my cows saved the hen. They caught up with the fox right before he got out of the pasture. Both of them hit him and he dropped the hen. Sure wish I had it on video. A beautiful ending, and the fox has not been back.

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