Other signs of molting?


8 Years
May 14, 2011
Smoky Mountains
Beyond the loss of feathers and the lack of laying, are there other outward signs of molting? I have a brown leghorn that basically just stopped laying 12 days ago. I know there different speeds at which chickens lose their feathers, so I'm wondering if there's something else that might point to that? She seems to be eating and drinking, foraging and everything else she normally does. However, she looks a bit out of it. No watery eyes or marks or sneezing that would make me think she sick. But she does have a very pale like puffy face. Does this happen during molting? Can't figure this one out...
I don't know if it has anything to do with molting, but I have little fluffy feathers flying all over the place. Some larger one but gobs of the little ones.
Old rooster - your case is definitely molting.
Jeffross - other than the puffy face/pale comb...hens will often stop or decrease quite a bit with the shortening days (which is why some supplement with light to give about 14 hours of "daylight." But molting is definitely a possibility. They don't always look all scraggly when molting...

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