Our Baby Blue and Black Mottled Bantam Cochins


15 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Scenic Jackson New Jersey
Oh My !!!

We went to see our dear friend Buzzard Chick today, Jen had hatched 9 chicks from the EggBid purchase we went for... They are so amazingly tiny and cute. We got them very well wrapped up (it was 10 degrees out) and carried them to their new home. They scared us because they slept a lot at first. But they are like 3 days old so we see them play, then sleep some, then play. We have a digital thermometer which displays the temp in there in tenths of a degree and they're cozy and happy. They have such great personalities already. They are sooooooo teeenie tiny it is just heart wrenching.... Welcome our new family...

Thank You one and all...

It is a good thing that it's a 3 day weekend, between the babies spending their first night here and us keeping our hen and rooster in the same room (in another carrier) so they could get used to hearing each other, we didn't sleep much.

It amazes us how they have grown in just a day - they play like crazy, then 2 seconds later they are out cold, then again there they are playing. What a hoot !!!

Michael and Nan

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