- Jun 8, 2010
- 3
- 0
- 7
We purchased 7 chicks at the beginning of May from 2 different shops (both have great reputations). We built a brooder that is about 4 x 3 and put it in our kitchen. They have only been outside once because we have had such rain here for the last 3 weeks or more. Two of the chicks died within the first 3 weeks within a few days of each other. They were quite docile when we brought them home and never really perked up like the other girls (all purchased at either 1 or 2 weeks). We had our largest and seemingly healthiest chick die 2 nights ago. It was our Wellsummer. She looked fine all day and then we found her at night dead with part of her entrails hanging out (sorry to be graphic but I feel it is important to mention this). We checked all of the other chicks vents and they are not clogged. I just noticed that our Wyandotte has a sore on her lower back and is steering clear of the other chicks. I must mention that our Buff Orpington, the smallest chick of the bunch, seems to be a bit of a bruiser. She is constantly pecking at our other chicks and they are visibly upset by this. I have even noticed her pull feathers from the other chicks. She was especially on the Wellsummer and pecked her often in the beak. One of the shops I called said that they might be bored so I should put a clump of soil with grass in the brooder. That definitely kept them busy and the bulllying Buff Orpington seemed to mellow out some. But now I am so worried about my Wyandotte. What could be going on? Are they diseased? Should I take them all in to get looked at. Is this normal behavior? How do I know if they have mites? Thank you to whomever responds. I was so super excited to get these chicks and thought we were doing the best we could for them. I am hoping they make it!