Our ducks :)


Mar 26, 2018
Lakewood WA
Just wanted to post our ducks <3
They're beautiful. Just wondering, how long did they take to hatch after externally pipping? I have a duckling that has externally pipped over 48 hours ago and still hasn't started zipping... Is this normal?
They're beautiful. Just wondering, how long did they take to hatch after externally pipping? I have a duckling that has externally pipped over 48 hours ago and still hasn't started zipping... Is this normal?
I hones
They're beautiful. Just wondering, how long did they take to hatch after externally pipping? I have a duckling that has externally pipped over 48 hours ago and still hasn't started zipping... Is this normal?
I honestly dont know! These babies are supposed to be three weeks old now. Got them when they were 2 days old from tractor supply. I'm a new duck mom but wanted to show them off because I love them <3
Cuties! I can't believe you have them tame enough for a hair dryer!
Bahahaha most just the one girl of the five but the others like it if we hold the hair drier a little further. I've always been told that my animals are weird. We have 9 ISA Brown hens and they follow us around like dogs and want to be held and petted.

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