Our first baby is here!


11 Years
Jul 8, 2011
After a long 30 days, our first hatchling is here! It needed a little help getting started, but once I started, he came out on is own and FAST! #2 is still about half way there and I am thinking he will be out by tonight. A huge thanks so iamcurisotycat for all of your advice though this! I couldn't have done it without you! Whew! 1 down, 1 to go!

**edit*** #2 is out and doing great! We defied all odds with a 66% hatch rate on shipped eggs in a cheapo chickubator!


My daughter has named him/her "chicka Chicka Boom Boom" lol:D
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We had to take him out of the bator early bc as you can see there was NO room in there!

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OMG!!!! That photo is SO gorgeous... It kinds of looks like an alien peering out of a spacecraft because of the shape of the incubator!!!

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