Thats great! What a pretty mixture! My only green egg layer at the moment (others are too young) lays that color egg, but they look like torpedos! And she's so old, she lays about once a week. I'm her retirement home.
Fantastic pic and congrats on the first Green egg! Enjoy that one and many more!
My girls are about 22 weeks old. We started getting the little reddish-brown eggs just last week (from the RI reds perhaps?), then we found the pretty green one yesterday. The large, light-colored eggs are from an older Cornish X who lays about every other day.
my ee hen is about 6 months + and still no eggs! but almost! her comb is SOOO red and just today i went outside and found my first egg from my 1st hatch this year! i am sooo excided it was either one of the rirs or one of the black sex links who laid it. better start working on the coop for winter!