Our girls have a new suitor . . .


11 Years
Jun 18, 2008
Lennon, Michigan
The girls (8 big chickie girls, 10 little chickie girls-(bantys) were all atwitter the other day. A handsome young ring-neck pheasant was strolling around the coop and pen leering at all the innocent young girls. He called them several times but they just aren't "that kind" of girls, so he eventually strolled off. I hear him calling during the day and the girls pop their heads up and down in response, but I think he is going to have a tough time seducing those girls unless he has a bunch of grapes in his beak. . . The girls do have a price.

its ok to feed grapes to chickens or other birds. They're birds, hence they are different than cats and dogs. Lot's of people on BYC feed their chickens grapes and they do fine.
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We have been giving them grapes since they were about 6 weeks old. I try and get grapes on sale, because 25 chickens will go thru a bunch in a hurry. The banties are so little that I hold the grape while they peck it to piecesÑthe big girls grab and run. The banties are older by 3 weeks and its fun to watch them boss the big girls around. Watermelon has also been a big hit, but the banty boys aren't as enamored of it. Interesting too that the alpha roo won't take grapes from my hand very often.
I see snowydiamonds is in Alaska. I don't even want to THINK about how much grapes have gotta cost there! We were in Alaska in '05 and tomatoes were $5 a pound and cheese was $18-20 pound. Yikes!
Very cute story...I can just imagine what your "good girls" must be thinking about that "bad" boy!!!
How cute. I can just piture it. And LOL@ the girls have a price. I can imagine the pheasant thinking ' Ive tried EVERYTHING and these girls just won't give"

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