Our new coop


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2016

My 16 year old daughter and I built this coop. My husband started a larger coop for us, but has not been able to finish it yet. He has had to go out of town for work twice. Our chicks had outgrown their brooder and had to be moved. Since my daughter wanted a second coop for breeding pairs we decided to tackle this project while my husband was still out of town.
My daughter and I have no previous building experience. We built our version of the reverse Wichita Cabin Coop. We used pictures from this forum and YouTube videos. I think this is our first and last building project. We built this in just under a week. Still have to put sand in the run but we moved the chicks in to get them out of the brooder. We currently have 12 chicks. Most will be moved to the bigger coop once my husband completes it.

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