our ornery yet loyal roosters!


9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
The rooster, beautiful, a hen protector, and an alarm clock. I have raised many roosters in my life and they seem to have similar and total opposite personalities. I have had ones that protected the flock and loved the girls but, saw me as a threat and would always attack me. It didn't matter if it was a bantam or a full sized rooster it scared the heck out of me. the roosters that didn't change after long training to try to make them more social ended up in the crock pot. there were roosters that didn't mind me and saw me as part of the flock, and they protected, cared for, and did their job all well with out attacking me. We even had a rooster that never crowed which was very nice. We also had a rooster who went broody and hatched out his own chicks and believe me he was a rooster. the roosters are apart of the family but when they attack its hard but sometimes they have to go unless you can protect your self and no offense to anyone but the last roost that attacked me went flying in the air. If you have any information about your roosters please tell how their personality was or is today and how to dealt with it. And any funny stories would be nice, Thank you!

I enjoyed your broody rooster story! Cute!
I have one rooster that started out as my buddy. He'd fly to my shoulder to ditch another rooster chasing him. Then one day he turned on me! I couldn't go anywhere near "his" area without a stick. After 6 months of dealing with his nonsense and my weapon, we seem to have come to an agreement. I give him food and he leaves me alone.
My head rooster is a little mixed banty and everyday he spurs me. I don't really mind it in the winter time because I can't feel it threw my jeans but the summer time it's a bit rough. I have two scars to prove it. He protects the girls he's the first one to yell hawk so I'm trying to overlook his hate for me. I've tried throwing water on him, I've tried holding him like a baby, I've tried kicking him, I've tried hitting him with the feed bucket, I've tried yelling at him, I've tried chasing him and right now I'm just ignoring him. I know if I fed him a treat he would take it and call the girls over then come after me. Maybe one of these days he will get tired of it.
I hated it when I got spured by our male, and sadly he had to go. Bantams have some crazy attitude for their size.
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