One of my girls, (I think the Appleyard) has decided that NOW would be a good time to begin laying eggs. Yesterday, I collected my usual (1) egg in the morning from the dog house where my Runners like to deposit their gifts; then when I came home last night, I almost stepped on another one that was in the middle of the pen and covered with mud. This egg was smaller than the others I have been getting (about the size of a chicken egg) and I was like "Where the heck did this come from?".... So, this morning I went out to collect my daily egg and there was another small one in a nest about 5 feet from the dog house. So, now it appears that I will be getting (2) eggs every morning. Considering that right now I am on an all fruit/veggie diet the eggs are going to be pilling up. Perhaps I can sell them at work or something. lol..
You would not think that "Winter" would be the best time for a duck to decide to begin laying.
You would not think that "Winter" would be the best time for a duck to decide to begin laying.