Oyster grit / Flint grit ( soluble insoluble)

Count duckulas

In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
I'm wondering do ducks have the brain power to know the difference in what they are eating. I don't have ducks yet still building my duck House. But I have many questions most I can answer through Google and the many books I've got. But I'm wondering if I supply both oyster shell and Flint grit do they know which they need to eat?

Also do ducks know if their gizzards are running low on grit? Or are they more simple creatures and do they just eat a little each time they eat feed
I'm wondering do ducks have the brain power to know the difference in what they are eating. I don't have ducks yet still building my duck House. But I have many questions most I can answer through Google and the many books I've got. But I'm wondering if I supply both oyster shell and Flint grit do they know which they need to eat?

Also do ducks know if their gizzards are running low on grit? Or are they more simple creatures and do they just eat a little each time they eat feed
As far as the oyster shell, poultry know when their bodies require it and will consume it as needed. Not all of them are perfect at this which is why from time to time we see questions asked about why someone's eggs have calcium bumps on them.
As far as the oyster shell, poultry know when their bodies require it and will consume it as needed. Not all of them are perfect at this which is why from time to time we see questions asked about why someone's eggs have calcium bumps on them.

Interesting. And can you shed any light on if a duck etc would know if they are low on stones in the gizzard? Perhaps their body recognises they've eaten but its not getting broken down so this sets off a signal into their brain to eat grit. It's all very interesting I enjoying learning the more deeper aspects I appoliges if my questions aren't the usual sort you get

I suspect drakes know not to eat oyster shell in any large quantitys also?
Interesting. And can you shed any light on if a duck etc would know if they are low on stones in the gizzard? Perhaps their body recognizes they've eaten but its not getting broken down so this sets off a signal into their brain to eat grit. It's all very interesting I enjoying learning the more deeper aspects I appoliges if my questions aren't the usual sort you get

I suspect drakes know not to eat oyster shell in any large quantitys also?
Based on observation, all poultry instinctively seek grit. The larger they become, the bigger sized grit they seek. I have no clue whether or not there have ever been any studies on this. I notice my turkeys daily visiting the areas where the choice grit is available. Back when I had geese, they did the same.

I have on occasion seen roosters and toms partaking directly from the oyster shell dispenser. It is not something they normally do. I live in an area that does not have a lot of naturally occurring calcium in the soil. I suspect that like people, they can develop a craving for something their body wants without need to analyze and know why they have this craving.
Based on observation, all poultry instinctively seek grit. The larger they become, the bigger sized grit they seek. I have no clue whether or not there have ever been any studies on this. I notice my turkeys daily visiting the areas where the choice grit is available. Back when I had geese, they did the same.

I have on occasion seen roosters and toms partaking directly from the oyster shell dispenser. It is not something they normally do. I live in an area that does not have a lot of naturally occurring calcium in the soil. I suspect that like people, they can develop a craving for something their body wants without need to analyze and know why they have this craving.

Thank you for your in site and sharing your knowledge

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