Pacific NW Egg Sellers


8 Years
Aug 23, 2011
Portland OR
I was wondering about how much you charge a dozen? Mine are on 100% organic locally farmed feed that is corn and soy free. They have additional flax added for higher omega-3 quality, free range all day, and well are about the most spoiled pets on earth. I plan on offering half dozen, full dozen, and 18ct egg packs. I wanted to offer a small discount if you provide your own container for eggs. When I look on CL there are not many people selling eggs. Is there a better outlet for egg selling?
I live in NW WA, north of Seattle. Organic eggs go for $3-$4/doz. I have seen eggs with added Omega 3 in the feed go for $5 but they don't seem to go as fast. If Craigslist doesn't work, word of mouth certainly does- if you are out and about, have kids, go to the dentist, talk about your eggs and mention that you are selling them and get a feel for what they are willing to pay. And, post a sign in your driveway and your neighbors may be your best customers. If people comment how cheap your eggs are, you can raise the price, if people don't come back, assume your price is too high and adjust.

I think my community is very like Portland, if they're organic and humanely raised, there will be no problems selling your eggs, you just have to make it easy for them.

Also, when pricing, factor in feed for the whole year and the number of eggs laid. For my first year, the hens laid all year so my expense came out to $1.76/doz, which made a good profit, but after that, they slowed down at winter and my cost went up to $5.50/doz so I lost. So keep that in mind if you are trying to make money, have your chickens be self supporting or just doing it for the love of it no matter the cost.

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