Partridge silkie or black silkie with LOTS of leakage?


May 25, 2021
I am new to chicken keeping and we were given a flock by family friends to keep as pets over the summer and we’re returning them in the fall. Our white silkie hen went broody so we gave her eggs back so she could hatch them but she has a history of hatching chicks with lighter coloured skin which happened again. Our rooster is what I thought was called a gold partridge silkie as I found pictures of birds that look just like him on the internet but I’m not so sure anymore. The chick is 14 days old and now developing grey feathers on the bottom of its wings and tail so we think it may turn into a lavender silkie BUT are it’s genes “corrupted” by the leakage that it’s father may have? The baby won’t be show/breeding worthy either just for the fact it’s skin is lighter but Im not worried about that. They’ll live a happy life as pet birds.


Is the rooster I once thought was a gold partridge silkie actually a black silkie with a ton of brown leakage? How will this affect his offspring? I also added a picture of the chick for good measure.


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Your roo is a partridge. I'm no expert but my rooster looks very similar and he is a partridge. The chicks' feathers might darken up a little bit as it grows. I have a partridge chick witch hatched out with pink feet but they darkened as it grew. So I'd say you needn't worry. If they are only meant to be pets. By the way, the rooster is gorgeous!
Agree, he is partridge. The chicks will not be complete partridge unless the mother is partridge or carrying partridge (many but not all recessive white silkies do). The chicks will most likely be mixed colors. 😊
I agree
Your roo is a partridge. I'm no expert but my rooster looks very similar and he is a partridge. The chicks' feathers might darken up a little bit as it grows. I have a partridge chick witch hatched out with pink feet but they darkened as it grew. So I'd say you needn't worry. If they are only meant to be pets. By the way, the rooster is gorgeous!
It’s so fascinating to learn about all the possible colourings and genetics behind them! Glad to know he’s a partridge and I didn’t accidentally create this “corrupt” chick Lol. I do agree, he is a stunner especially compared to my more boring coloured white silkie hen or my RIRs. For the chick, Im hoping for a lavender silkie as I saw today the grey is spreading further up its wings but I wouldn’t be upset if it was a white/lavender mix! I just noticed today the roo has seemed to develop an upper respiratory infection so he’s now in quarantine which he obviously doesn’t like. We’re picking up antibiotics tomorrow.
Agree, he is partridge. The chicks will not be complete partridge unless the mother is partridge or carrying partridge (many but not all recessive white silkies do). The chicks will most likely be mixed colors. 😊
The mother’s parents are both white, I’m not sure if this means recessive or dominant. It will definitely be fascinating to see the end result for the chick!
I agree

It’s so fascinating to learn about all the possible colourings and genetics behind them! Glad to know he’s a partridge and I didn’t accidentally create this “corrupt” chick Lol. I do agree, he is a stunner especially compared to my more boring coloured white silkie hen or my RIRs. For the chick, Im hoping for a lavender silkie as I saw today the grey is spreading further up its wings but I wouldn’t be upset if it was a white/lavender mix! I just noticed today the roo has seemed to develop an upper respiratory infection so he’s now in quarantine which he obviously doesn’t like. We’re picking up antibiotics tomorrow.
You can only get lavender if two lavenders are crossed, or at least one is recessive for lavender and one is lavender or both are recessive for lavender. 😊
The mother’s parents are both white, I’m not sure if this means recessive or dominant. It will definitely be fascinating to see the end result for the chick!
The majority of silkies are recessive white. Some are dominant white (like a leghorn) and are used to create paint silkies.😊
I'm new at all this and I want to buy two silkies hen and rooster but I live in Indiana and don't know where too find them. Can some one help me ?
Thank you
You can look up local farming and chicken related groups on Facebook. You may find someone who's selling them there. That's how I got my ductless and several other breeds.

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