Pasty butt or dirty chick


8 Years
Mar 15, 2015
I just got 13 new chicks. I got 6 from TSC and 7 from a local place that ordered from McMurrays (small hardware store taking orders for us that live rurally so we can split shipping cost). I got 6 from TSC last year and 4 locally not a single problem

Anyway 2 of the ones I got locally have poop drippings on their bottoms. Not blocking the vent just like it caught in mid fall. They are happy and running around all other are fine and healthy. These guys are 4 days old. Is it pasty butt or just dirty chicks?

I cleaned them regardless just wondering if I should keep a closer eye on them.
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Cleaning regardless is good practice because it can build up, encroaching on the vent to remain clear.

Some chicks have lazy butts, meaning they don't "project" enough to clear the butt down. I have hens who have this, and I need to clean them up a couple times a week.

Dirty baby butts here too. I am brand new to poultry an just got ten assorted breeds! I am in love with them, but noticed AFTER the attempted eyeball gougimg, that other peeps are now aiming at a few dirty butts. Nothe the the end of the world to clean up a little, but is there a way to determine when/if they have diarhea?
..., but is there a way to determine when/if they have diarhea?
Occasional runny poop is normal, especially the cecals, the ones that can smell so wicked. If your chicks have diarrhea, you won't see any of the tiny, little dry turds that are what most chick poop consists of.

If you have wood shavings as bedding and can't see the quality of the poops easily, try laying down puppy pads for a 24 hour period. You will be able to read the pads like maps to tell if you have diarrhea or not.
Alright then! Tidied up the Monster Chicks, and one of my favs, Tania let loose with some runny stuff that left a green fog in the room, and had me running to stick Vicks up my nose! I then woke my husband up and informed him we will be purchasing whatever materials we need tomorrow to finish the roosts and security on the coop and run! THEN I remembered this post about me asking about diarhea, and some other NAMED variety of poop with the knock you out odor.
Thanks so much, you chicken poop experts! Dare I ask, how do you learn all this stuff? Is there a college, or just this huge list?

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