
Sonoran Silkies

Flock Mistress
11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
Tempe, Arizona
Please Don't Use Non-Standard Abbreviations; No One Knows What You Mean
Is there a list of all the correct abbreviations somewhere...? That may help some folks out..
Found it

Here you go. This is the best I have so far.
Hope this helps you

Common Abbreviations

DE = Diatomacious Earth
DH=Dear (most times) Husband
DW=Dear Wife
DD=Dear Daughter, Dear Dad
DS=Dear Son
DM=Dear Mother, Dear Mom
DF=Dear Father
DF=Dear Fiance
DSD=Dear Step Daughter
DSS=Dear Step Son
DSM=Dear Step Mother
DSF=Dear Step Father
BIL=Brother in Law
SIL=Sister in Law
MIL=Mother in Law
FIL=Father in Law
DC=Dear Children
SO=Significant Other
DE=Diatomaceous Earth
BOSS=Black Oil Sunflower Seed
GF=Girl Friend
BF=Boy Friend
POL=Point Of Lay
SQ=Show Quality
NSQ=Non Show Quality
PQ=Pet Quality
CBOF=Cantankerous Bag Of Feathers
JBG = Jersey Black Giant
SLW=Silver Laced Wyandotte
GLW=Golden Laced Wyandotte
BLRW=Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
CM=Cuckoo Marans
GPH=Gold Penciled Hamburg
OEGB=Old English game bantam,
OEG=Old English game (usually standards).
SLW=Silver laced Wyandotte.
RIR=Rhode Island Red,
WCP=White crested polish.
BTB=Black tailed buff (usually Japanese bantams)
BTW=Black tailed white (usually Japanese bantams)
BR=Barred rock.
BO=buff Orrington
EE=Easter eggers (Ameraucana Crosses)
BLRW=Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
BBR=Black Breasted Red
GDW=Golden Duck Wing
SDW=Silver Duck Wing
BA OR LORP = Black Australorp
SCOVY=Muscovy duck
BCM=Black Copper Marans
FWIW=For What It’s Worth
LF=Large Fowl
BF=Bantam Fowl
BR=Bourbon Red
GLS=Gold Sex Link
BSL=Black Sex Link
RSL=Red Sex Link
WTB=Wanted To Buy
JG=Jersey Giant
LB=Light Brahma
DB=Dark Brahma
BB=Buff Brahma
ACV=Apple Cider Vinegar
I was just teasing. I totally agree.

What the heck are you talking about you silly girl?
One reason I try not to use any abbreviations. Even the common/"standardized" ones many people do not understand. It really gives me a laugh at times, I remember when there was a big ranting post about text message language and how they couldn't understand it and how stupid it was, but then you could look at most of those peoples signatures or posts and find loads of abbreviations that plenty of people couldn't understand. I can stand text language, but I found myself wondering what some of the abbreviations meant for hours.


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