PeaChick Creations

PeaChick C

6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Oskaloosa, Iowa
I should actually introduce myself since I have been posting for the past couple weeks. My wife and I raise chickens, guineas, ducks and peafowl on our acerage in southern Iowa. We are both artists and my wife uses the feathers from our birds to make jewelry that we sell.

Our current birds are:

7 Adult Chickens (various types)
7 Sweedish/Rouen Cross Ducks
12 Guneafowl
2 East Indies ducks
20 Polish banty chicks about to experience the yard on the next warm day
4 India Blue peafowl

We are happy to find this place. We have already used the info here to treat our red rooster named Reba for bumble foot.

Brant and Lacey
Pea-Chick Creations

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Greetings from Kansas, PeaChchick C, and
! Happy you joined us! Good luck to you, your chickens, and your jewelry business!
BYC has a buy/sell/trade forum. You could offer your jewelry (in" Everything else for sale") once you have 20 posts or so.
from New Mexico!

Sounds like you have a handful of poultry there! So glad you could join.

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